Hi I’m TwistedRage. I’m not afraid to admit it, I’m a nerd. I love Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and Cold War. I’m a proud Trans streamer with kids and with that in my life I have had real struggles, just like we all do.. But streaming and building this community is my life passion and my motivation in life. I want this as my full time and to do that I need you!! I stream daily on Twitch Sun -Wed(EST) 11am-12:30. Thurs and Fri will be on calls, I post when I’ll be live in my Discord. I hope to see you become apart of the wolves family!
Do you want awesome jerseys for your stream!!!. Make sure that you use my special code TWISTED63 to get 10% off your purchases at the NoName Nerd Store and I am proud to be a part of this awesome online community. You can get your own jersey customized there in minutes!!!! You can become a NoName Nerd Affiliate to help others as well- Just click on the NoName Merch link above!!
Do you want awesome products to help you perform and keep you focus? Then you need RAZE- Raze has amazing drinks, powders, clothing, and more!!! VIPs and COFFEE VIPS get exclusive deals with my RAZE program.. So join today!! Click the Baja to check out their awesome stuff!!

This tab is for all those who have pushed me to succeed and not only support me mentally but physically!! Streamers United on Facebook
JonHD The Rat Pack
Duff DisputedOfficial
Blkicex Awesomender
TTV_Redskin GhostBaby
DrksVenom B42
IamTiddles Myth_Buster
Stikkybuds Moros_Gaming
Carole_Basskinns Tricialynn ItzCazh TheFrazzleMan

- Goes towards better Discord
- Goes towards better Discord