Learn about Crypto from People Using Crypto

This a place where many write blogs. Not necessarily about crypto but that is the main topic. You could even start a blog yourself. They have a tipping system. The tipping system works differently than you might think. You choose the percentage you want to keep and the percentage to the blogger. Something I noticed if you try to keep it all for yourself the amount is lowered. You can check it out here.


This is a social media platform kind of like facebook. One of the major differences is instead of what’s on your mind it says your thoughts on crypto. It talks about everything from NFTs to all the different tokens. It even rewards you with xtm. For completing simple missions anyone can complete. You can try it out here. It’s alright if you don’t use it for long. I stop using many things. They do there best to keep it stress free.

This is an internet browser. A simple internet browser. A internet browser that pays you to do what you already do. Surf the web. You know how every site you go to has ads sort of seems like they were reading your mind. This one has none of that. The only ads you see pop up like a notification. The difference is every ad that pops up is paying you.

Coin Hunt World

A lot of us played pokemon go type games. Where you walk around doing various things. This exactly like that. You find keys and open chests. These chests are valuable. You open them get a trivia question. The trivia subject could be TV, Music, Wordplay, Art Geography etc. You get paid in certain crypto. I will not say which. You will have to play to find out.


This a wallet. One of the simpler ones I found. It holds anything from Ethereum and Bitcoin to UNI and BAT. The most important thing is it holds the reward from the last two things I talked about. You definitely need an ID to verify and connect everything. Trust me it is worth it.