The Very Hicken Bros Thumbnail Progress Post

I started practicing drawing again after many year, only finding time during my lunch at work. My long term project is drawing the thumbnail for the Very Hicken Bros podcast. I am working on the first layer that I can build upon. The first thumbnail progress picture that I shared is below.

I want to write this post to see my progress over time. I have posted the current thumbnail many times already, but this website already phased out the original thumbnail, which I want to preserve.

It is good to practice drawing again. I have a Wacom drawing tablet. Software is occasionally an obstacle, but it is more clean and more efficient. Trevor surprisingly added the picture as his Facebook profile picture.

On Black Friday 2021, I woke up to a ten dollar off any purchase on the NoName Nerd store opportunity. I used four of the ten dollars to mints the two thumbnails so far as Non-fungible tokens. The current one was even hearted by someone.